你好!我是汉桥的老师,欢迎大家和我一起学习HSK3. 今天我们继续学习“着”。Sometimes, two actions occur simultaneously.
For example, I’m standing and I’m also talking.
If we want to express two simultaneous actions in one sentence, we normally use this structure: V1 着 + V2。我们一起看一下:
This structure shows that two actions take place at the same time, and the V1 here is the accompanying state or manner of V2.
For example:
In English, we say “I am standing while I am talking”. As“standing” is the accompanying state of “talking”,“talking” is V2 and standing is V1. In Chinese we say 我站着说话。
Let’s see some more examples:
他喜欢躺着看电视。 Here 躺is the accompanying state of 看电视.
V1 V2 猫和狗喜欢趴着睡觉。趴is the accompanying state of睡觉。
Sometimes, the accompanying state is a verb-object word, we need to put 着right after the verb, so it becomes V1 着 O1 + V2。
有些明星总是戴 着 墨镜 出门。
V1 O1 V2 我喜欢 听 着 音乐 做运动。
V1 O1 V2
In some conditions, both actions happen simultaneously but they seem more balanced, and we can’t tell which one is the accompanying state of the other, then we can use 着 after each action.
1. 他笑着回答:“当然可以,过去朋友们都这么叫我。”-H31002
2. 西瓜的汁儿多,吃的时候小心点儿,要低下头,不要吃得脸上、衬衫上都是。还有,不要一边吃一边说话。
A 站着 B 低着头 C 多喝牛奶
-H31002 3. 2月14号早上,她正要去上班的时候,突然看到男朋友拿着鲜花站在门口。-H31005
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