The new HSK (HanyuShuipingKaoshi) is a standardized Chinese language proficiency test. Its purpose is to assessnon-Chinese speakersChinese ability for communication in the areas of life, study and work. Hanbridge Mandarin School’s HSK Test Prep Course is an excellent way to enhance your learning experience and equip you with the necessary skills to succeed on the test. We provide scientifically proven training and effective tutorials to ensure you score your best.
The HSKK test examines non-native Chinese speakers’Chinese oral expression ability.In short, the HSKK is the oral component of the HSK. Hanbridge’s HSKK test prep course can be tailored to your current level and individual needs. We will select appropriate and related materials with a focus on improving your ability in Chinese and work around your particular strengths and weaknesses to ensure that you will get the best HSKK test score possible.
The AP Chinese Language and Culture Course at Hanbridge emphasizes communication (understanding and being understood by others) by applying interpersonal, interpretive, and presentational skills in real-life situations. This includes vocabulary usage, language control, communication strategies, and cultural awareness.
The new YCT test was launched by Hanban in an effort to encourage foreign young students to learn Chinese and improve their Chinese language proficiency. The YCT (Young Learners Chinese Test) Test Prep course is suitable for non-Chinese speakers (under age 15) who intend to take the YCT test. Our Prep Courses are designed based on your level and specific needs.
Business Chinese Test (BCT) is a state-level standardized test designed to assess the Chinese proficiency of non-native speakers engaged in business activities. The BCT aims to test the examinees' ability to communicate in Chinese, so its main features are practicability and communication.We will select appropriate and related materials with a focus on improving your ability and help you get the best BCT test score possible.
The HNK (HanziNengliKaoshi) testis used to assess a non-native Chinese speaker’s ability to recognize and use Chinese characters correctly.
The HNK is theonly South Korea-authenticatedChinese character ability verification test developed by the Chinese Hanban/Confucius Institute headquarters.
Hanbridge’s HNK Test Prep Course aims to develop the non-professional Chinese learner's ability to read Chinese characters and Chinese vocabulary. It will also help people whoare ready to start learning Chinese toget a great jumpstart on their ability and give them motivation to continue their study.
HNK(한중상용한자능력검정시험)는종래사용하던한자, 즉번체자(正字)를바탕으로현재의세계표준한자– 2008년유엔에서는공식문서에사용되는한자를간체자로통일된간체자까지병행하여교육시킨후, 이에대해수준별평가를하여한국과중국에서동시에인증서를발급해주는새로운국제적한자능력검정시험을말한다.
현재한자검정시험에대해중국정부에서인증서를발급해주는것은본협회검정시험이세계적으로유일하다. HNK는전급수(1급~8급, 지도사급)가중국국가공인한자급수자격증이다.
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