Your purchased lessons are non-transferable and may not be sold or bartered.
Money-back Guarantee:
Money-back guarantee is for first-time students only (renewal or upgrade does not apply). As a first-time student, if you are not satisfied with our service, you can cancel your subscription within 1 month. Note that the one month period starts from the date of your first payment (not the date of your first class). You will only be charged for regular one-month fee and we will refund the rest of the money.
Pay in installments:
If you choose to pay in installments, your payments will be billed at the beginning of your subscription and you will be automatically charged for the payment on the same date in the following months. For example, if you choose four installment as you payment option when you offically enroll Hanbridge course on Feb 1, the same day should be your 1st payment date. your 2nd, 3rd and 4th payment date will be billed on March 1, April 1 and May 1 accordingly.
Please note:If you failed to pay the following installments according to the agreement, Hanbridge Mandarin has the right to close your lesson package with no refund. In order to avoid any lost or course missing, we strongly suggest you to complete the installments on time.
You may e-mail cancellation request to us at: Please include your login information as well as your name, and the e-mail address under which your account currently is registered.
Schedule lessons:
You can take unlimited Chinese lessons every day, subject to availability of teachers. Students must schedule lessons ahead of time. Students must cancel or reschedule lessons 12 hours ahead of time. Students might have to book lessons at a time or choose a teacher that might not be their first choice. If you have any special requests, we will try our best to accommodate your needs.
About suspend lesson
Hanbridge Mandarin allows you a certain time to suspend your lesson.You can reschedule the lesson at another time without the penalty of losing the lesson.
The duration of suspension time can not exceed the contracted length of suspension period.
A lesson can only be considered suspended if arranged in advance. Otherwise, a lesson that is missed will be lost; it cannot be made up.
Hanbridge Mandarin reserves the right to change the subscription Terms and Conditions without notice.