set goals
树立目标 to establish a goal
制定计划 to make plans
立flag It’s a popular slang from the internet. It literally means to set a flag, which means to set a goal
So now you can say,
新的一年,我要__________ xīn de yì nián ,wǒ yào __________
In the coming year, I want to________
Stay healthy
经常锻炼身体 (jīng cháng duàn liàn shēn tǐ ) to exercise regularly
健康饮食 (jiàn kāng yǐn shí) to eat a healthy diet
少吃垃圾食品 (shǎo chī lā jī shí pǐn) to eat less junk food
戒烟戒酒 (jiè yān jiè jiǔ) to quit smoking and drinking
不熬夜(bù áo yè) to not stay up late
早睡早起 (zǎo shuì zǎo qǐ) to go to bed early and get up early
make progress
学习一项新技能 (xué xí yí xiàng xīn jì néng ) to learn a new skill
培养一个新爱好 (péi yǎng yí ge xīn ài hǎo) to develop a new hobby
努力工作 (nǔ lì gōng zuò ) to work hard
多读书(duō dú shū) to read more books
存钱/攒钱 (cún qián /zǎn qián) to Save money
买房子 (mǎi fang zi)to buy a house
lifestyle and stay positive
多陪家人和朋友 (duō péi jiā rén hé péng you ) to spend more time with family and friends
常回家看看 (cháng huí jiā kàn kan)— to visit parents often
感恩生活(gǎn ēn shēng huó) to be gratitude towards life
断舍离(duàn shě lí ) to Declutter and detach
减少屏幕时间 (jiǎn shǎo píng mù shí jiān ) to decrease screen time
保护环境 (bǎo hù huán jìng) to protect the environment
flag倒了(dào le)-my flag is fallen
Mèngxiǎng háishì yào yǒu dē,wànyī shíxiàn lene?
It’s alright to have a dream, what if it comes true?
爬起来,越战越勇! Páqǐlái,yuèzhàn yuèyǒng!
Raise up, keep fighting!
Now let’s hear about what Hanbridge teachers say about their new year resolution:
“在2022虎年到来之际,Joyce在这里给大家送上新年的祝福。祝大家生活幸福如乐虎,工作努力行虎运,身强体壮赛猛虎,虎年虎事做虎人,虎气冲天,天天虎。虎年大吉! “
Hope you enjoy this video. I’m looking forward to hearing your Chinese New Year resolution. 祝大家新年快乐,虎年大吉,都能实现自己的小目标。Survive 2022!