Posted by Jenie Cao 4588
Nowadays,an increasing number of people seem to become addicted to complaining about whatever they meet with. But complaining simply leads to a bad mood, which may prevent us from solving problems or even cause unnecessary conflicts. Only when we stop complaining and take positive action, can we live in a peaceful mind and enjoy our life.Today we are going to learn some expressions about complaint.
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jīn tiān nǐ zěn me yòu chí dào le?
1. 今天你怎么又迟到了?
(Why are you late again today?)
wǒ de fēi jī yòu wǎn diǎn le。
2. 我的飞机又晚点了。
(My flight delayed again.)
zhè ɡe fàn diàn de cài zhēn nán chī。
3. 这个饭店的菜真难吃。
(The food of this restaurant tastes terrible.)
tā jīn tiān zěn me yòu qù mǎi yī fu le。
4. 她今天怎么又去买衣服了。
(Why does she go shopping for clothes today again?)
tā měi tiān chū mén dōu yào huā yí ɡè duō xiǎo shí。
5. 他每天出门都要花一个多小时。
(It takes one hour of him before leaving home.)
zuì jìn lǎo shì yào jiā bān。
6. 最近老是要加班。
(I’m always working overtime these days.)
wèi shén me nǚ rén chū mén zǒnɡ shì dài zhè me duō dōnɡ xi?
7. 为什么女人出门总是带这么多东西?
(Why does a woman always bring so many things when going out?)
zuì jìn yì zhí xià yǔ。
8. 最近一直下雨。
(It’s always raining these days.)
diàn shì jī de shēnɡ yīn tài dà le, xiǎo diǎn er shēnɡ!
9. 电视机的声音太大了,小点儿声!
(The TV is too loud. Turn it down!)
wǒ zhēn de méi bàn fǎ rěn shòu zài ɡōnɡ ɡònɡ chǎnɡ suǒ xī yān de rén。
10. 我真的没办法忍受在公共场所吸烟的人。
(I really cannot bear people who smoke in public spaces.)
wèi shén me měi cì dōu yǒu tónɡ yànɡ de wèn tí fā shēnɡ?
11. 为什么每次都有同样的问题发生?
(Why does the same problem happen every time?)
zhè pī huò de zhì liànɡ tài chà le。
12. 这批货的质量太差了。
(The quality is too bad of these goods.)
ɡěi tā fā xìn xī , tā lǎo shì bù huí。
13. 给他发信息,他老是不回。
(I’ve sent messages to him many times, but he doesn’t text me back.)
wǒ zuì tǎo yàn bù shǒu shí de rén。
14. 我最讨厌不守时的人。
(I hate the unpunctual person.)
tā jiǎnɡ de tài kuài le , wǒ yí jù yě méi tīnɡ dǒnɡ。
15. 她讲得太快了,我一句也没听懂。
(She talked too fast that I didn’t understand even one sentence.)
nǐ jīn tiān zěn me yòu huí lái de zhè me wǎn?
16. 你今天怎么又回来得这么晚?
(Why do you come back so late today?)
nǐ nénɡ bu nénɡ bú yào měi cì dōu bǎ yī fu fànɡ zài zhè lǐ?
17. 你能不能不要每次都把衣服放在这里?
(Would you stop to put your clothes here?)
nǐ zěn me lǎo shì bú jì dé wǒ shuō ɡuò de huà?
18. 你怎么老是不记得我说过的话?
(Why don’t you mind what I’ve said?)
nǐ zěn me yòu wànɡ le wǒ de shēnɡ rì?
19. 你怎么又忘了我的生日?
(Why do you forget my birthday again?)
chī fàn de shí hou , qǐnɡ bú yào fā chū shēnɡ yīn hǎo mɑ?
20. 吃饭的时候,请不要发出声音好吗?
(Please stop making noise when eating, ok?)
And welcome to click here to listen to the last post about Before setting off.
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