Posted by Jenie Cao 6809
The song Hotel California is a super classic song, every time when the prelude begins, people know it and sing in their heart. Different hotels give us different experiences. When we travel or go on a business trip to a place, it is necessary for us to book a room before arriving. Do you know how to check in hotel in Chinese? Today, let’s learn some useful expressions about checking in hotel together!
Let's listen to the audio:
nín hǎo , wǒ zài wǎnɡ shànɡ yù dìnɡ le yí ɡè biāo zhǔn jiān , qǐnɡ bānɡ wǒ bàn lǐ yí xià rù zhù。
1. 您好,我在网上预订了一个标准间,请帮我办理一下入住。
(Hello, I’ve reserved one standard room online, I want to check in.)
nín hǎo , wǒ men xiǎnɡ jīn wǎn zài lǚ diàn zhù yì wǎn , qǐnɡ wèn hái yǒu fánɡ jiān mɑ?
2. 您好,我们想今晚在旅店住一晚,请问还有房间吗?
(Excuse me, I want to stay at the inn for one night, do you still have a room available?)
kě yǐ bānɡ wǒ yù dìnɡ yì jiān dān rén fánɡ mɑ? wǒ mínɡ tiān zǎo shɑnɡ huì dào shànɡ hǎi。
3. 可以帮我预订一间单人房吗?我明天早上会到上海。
(Can you book one single room for me? I will arrive in Shanghai tomorrow morning.)
duì bù qǐ , mínɡ tiān wǎn shɑnɡ de fánɡ jiān dōu mǎn le , méi yǒu kònɡ yú de le。
4. 对不起,明天晚上的房间都满了,没有空余的了。
(Sorry, all rooms are occupied for tomorrow night, there isn’t one available.)
qǐnɡ wèn kě yǐ tí ɡōnɡ kè fánɡ fú wù mɑ?
5. 请问可以提供客房服务吗?
(Can you please provide room services?)
wǒ xū yào jiào xǐnɡ fú wù , kě yǐ bānɡ wǒ ān pái yí xià mɑ?
6. 我需要叫醒服务,可以帮我安排一下吗?
(I need wake-up call service, can you arrange it?)
qǐnɡ xiān zài zhè biān dēnɡ jì yí xià。
7. 请先在这边登记一下。
(Please register here.)
nín de fánɡ jiān hào shì 1702, zài shí qī lóu 。 zǎo cān shì zǎo chén 6.30 dào 9 diǎn 。 zhù nín rù zhù yú kuài。
8. 您的房间号是1702,在十七楼。早餐是早晨6.30到9点。祝您入住愉快。
(Your room is 1702 on the 17th Floor. The breakfast time is from 6:30 – 9:00 on the morning. Wish you a nice stay.)
nín shén me shí hou bàn lǐ tuì fánɡ?
9. 您什么时候办理退房?
(What time would you like to check out?)
nín dǎ suàn zhù jǐ tiān?
10. 您打算住几天?
(How many days would you like to stay?)
nín zuì wǎn xū yào zài dì èr tiān xià wǔ liǎnɡ diǎn yǐ qián tuì fánɡ。
11. 您最晚需要在第二天下午两点以前退房。
(The latest time to check out is before 2 pm on next day.)
zhè ɡe fánɡ jiān ɡuānɡ xiàn bú tài hǎo , kě yǐ ɡěi wǒ huàn yì jiān mɑ?
12. 这个房间光线不太好,可以给我换一间吗?
(The room looks sort of dark, can you arrange another one for you?)
qǐnɡ ɡěi wǒ men zài ná yì shuānɡ tuō xié , xiè xiè!
13. 请给我们再拿一双拖鞋,谢谢!
(Please bring us one more pair of slippers, thank you!)
bù hǎo yì si , wǒ de fánɡ kǎ wànɡ jì ná le ,kě yǐ bānɡ wǒ kāi yí xià mén mɑ?
14. 不好意思,我的房卡忘记拿了,可以帮我开一下门吗?
(Excuse me, I forget to take my room card, could you open the door for you?)
nénɡ bu nénɡ ɡěi wǒ huàn yì tiáo chuánɡ dān?
15. 能不能给我换一条床单?
(Is it possible to change another bed sheet for me?)
qǐnɡ wèn wifi shì duō shǎo?
16. 请问wifi是多少?
(May I ask the WI-FI passwords?)
wǒ kě yǐ yònɡ lóu xià de yóu yǒnɡ chí mɑ?
17. 我可以用楼下的游泳池吗?
(Can I use the pool downstairs?)
wǒ lái bānɡ nín ná xínɡ li bɑ?
18. 我来帮您拿行李吧?
(Let me help to take your luggage!)
kě yǐ má fɑn nǐ bānɡ wǒ jiào yí liànɡ chū zū chē mɑ? wǒ yào qù jī chǎnɡ。
19. 可以麻烦你帮我叫一辆出租车吗?我要去机场。
(Can you help me to call for a taxi? I will go to the airport.)
qī dài nín xià cì ɡuānɡ lín , zhù nín lǚ tú yú kuài!
20. 期待您下次光临,祝您旅途愉快!
(Looking forward to see you next time. Hope you have a nice trip!)
And welcome to click here to listen to the last post about love phrases.
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