Posted by Jenie Cao 6600
Welcome back to Hanbridge Mandarin new programme —— Frequently Daily Used Chinese Sentences Series.
Last time, we shared the sentences to take a taxi, today we're going to share frequently used sentences about how to ask directions.
qǐnɡ wèn , dì tiě zhàn zài nǎ ér ?
1. 请问,地铁站在哪儿?
(Excuse me, where is the metro station?)
wǒ men xiàn zài zài nǎr ?
2. 我们现在在哪儿?
(Where are we now?)
zhè shì shén me dì fɑnɡ?
3. 这是什么地方?
(What’s this place?)
ɡōnɡ jiāo zhàn lí zhè ér yuǎn mɑ ?
4. 公交站离这儿远吗?
(Is the bus station far away from here?)
cónɡ zhè ér dào dì tiě zhàn zǒu lù yào duō shǎo fēn zhōnɡ ?
5. 从这儿到地铁站走路要多少分钟?
(How many minutes does it take to walk to the metro station from here?)
xí shǒu jiān zài shén me dì fɑnɡ ?
6. 洗手间在什么地方?
(Where is the toilet?)
fù jìn yǒu chāo shì mɑ ?
7. 附近有超市吗?
(Is there a supermarket nearby?)
nǎr kě yǐ mǎi piào ?
8. 哪儿可以买票?
(Where can I buy the tickets?)
zhè tànɡ chē qù bu qù huǒ chē zhàn ?
9. 这趟车去不去火车站?
(Does this bus go to the railway station?)
qù shì zhōnɡ xīn zài nǎ ér xià chē ?
10. 去市中心在哪儿下车?
(Where can I get off for the center of the city?)
zhè biān hái shì nà biɑn ?
11. 这边还是那边?
(Shall we go this way or that way?)
nǐ děi qù duì miàn zuò chē 。
12. 你得去对面坐车。
(You should go to the opposite side to take the bus.)
xiànɡ qián zǒu 。
13. 向前走。
(Go straight.)
wǎnɡ yòu ɡuǎi 。
14. 往右拐。
(Turn right.)
ɡuò mǎ lù。
15. 过马路。
(Cross the road.)
ɡuò qián miɑn de shí zì lù kǒu 。
16. 过前面的十字路口。
(Go across the intersection in front.)
cónɡ zhèr yì zhí wǎnɡ qián zǒu mǐ jiù dào le 。
17. 从这儿一直往前走300米就到了。
(Go straight ahead about 300 meters and we will arrive.)
qǐnɡ wèn wǒ xū yào zhuǎn chē mɑ ?
18. 请问我需要转车吗?
(Do I need to change, please?)
nǐ ké yǐ xiān zuò sān hào xiàn, zài ɡòu wù ɡōnɡ yuán zhàn xià chē, rán hòu huàn chénɡ yí hào xiàn 。
19. 你可以先坐三号线,在购物公园站下车,然后换乘一号线。
(First take the metro line 3, get off at Shopping center station, and change to line 1.0)
zhè lǐ lí dì tiě zhàn hěn yuǎn, nǐ ké yǐ zuò ɡōnɡ jiāo qù nàr。
20. 这里离地铁站很远,你可以坐公交去那儿。
(The metro station is far from here, you can take bus to go there.)
Keep following us to learn more about frequently used Chinese sentencess! And welcome to book a free trial lesson and let the teachers help you learn daily Chinese!