Posted by Julia Song 86142
Chinese people so love to eat that there’s a funny saying: all animals fly in the sky, run on the land and even swim in the water can be the delicacies on Chinese table. You must want to have a taste of the Chinese food when hear it, but how can you tell the restaurant waiter or your Chinese friend the food you want to eat? Or how to buy food from market when you want to cook Chinese food by yourself?
Take a close look at the Chinese vocabulary list for different types of food below.
Chinese | Pinyin | English |
玉米 | yù mǐ | Corn |
土豆 | tǔ dòu | Potato |
生姜 | shēng jiāng | Ginger |
大蒜 | dà suàn | Garlic |
豆 | dòu | Bean |
西兰花 | xī lán huā | Broccoli |
黄瓜 | huáng guā | Cucumber |
韭菜 | jiǔ cài | Leek |
蘑菇 | mó gū | Mushroom |
木耳 | mù ěr | Agarics |
青椒 | qīng jiāo | Green pepper |
辣椒 | là jiāo | Pepper |
西红柿 | xī hóng shì | Tomato |
茄子 | qié zǐ | Aborigine |
萝卜 | luó bo | Radish |
芋头 | yù tóu | Taro |
白菜 | bái cài | Cabbage |
菠菜 | bō cài | Spinach |
南瓜 | nán guā | Pumpkin |
苦瓜 | kǔ guā | Bitter gourd |
Chinese | Pinyin | English |
猪肉 | zhū ròu | Pork |
鸡肉 | jī ròu | Chicken |
火鸡 | huǒ jī | Turkey |
鸡翅膀 | jī chì bǎng | Chicken wing |
鸭肉 | yā ròu | Duck |
鹅肉 | é ròu | Goose |
狗肉 | gǒu ròu | Dog meat |
牛肉 | niú ròu | Beef |
鱼 | yú | Fish |
虾 | xiā | Shrimp |
火腿 | huǒ tuǐ | Ham |
热狗 | rè gǒu | Hot dog |
羊肉 | yáng ròu | Mutton |
兔子肉 | tù zǐ ròu | Rabbit meat |
Chinese | Pinyin | English |
苹果 | píng guǒ | Apple |
香蕉 | xiāng jiāo | Banana |
芒果 | máng guǒ | Mango |
葡萄 | pú táo | Grape |
橙子 | chéng zǐ | Orange |
草莓 | cǎo méi | Strawberry |
西瓜 | xī guā | Melon |
樱桃 | yīng táo | Cherry |
柑橘 | gān jú | Mandarin |
桃子 | táo zǐ | Peach |
梨 | lí | Pear |
蓝莓 | lán méi | Blueberry |
椰子 | yē zǐ | Coconut |
奇异果 | qí yì guǒ | Kiwi |
柠檬 | níng méng | Lemon |
牛油果 | niú yóu guǒ | Avocado |
菠萝 | bō luó | Pineapple |
石榴 | shí liú | Pomegranate |
Chinese | Pinyin | English |
茶 | chá | Tea |
牛奶 | niú nǎi | Milk |
奶茶 | nǎi chá | Milky tea |
咖啡 | kā fēi | Coffee |
汽水 | qì shuǐ | Pop |
可口可乐 | kě kǒu kě lè | Cocoa |
雪碧 | xuě bì | Sprite |
果汁 | guǒ zhī | Fruit juice |
柠檬水 | níng méng shuǐ | Lemonade |
啤酒 | pí jiǔ | Beer |
白酒 | bái jiǔ | White spirits |
红酒 | hóng jiǔ | Red wine |
In northern China, people are adept at making flour food. Flour food are always served as breakfast, but sometimes it could be the festival food, here’s an example, Chinese like to eat dumplings on midwinter and the Spring Festival. Now, let’s see what delicious Chinese flour foods you should taste.
Now, you have mastered almost all the basic Chinese food vocabulary, the next thing you should do is to eat, eat, eat! !
In the video below, Clarice Zhao, one of the most excellent teachers of Hanbridge Mandarin, will teach you how to order food in Chinese.
Hope you enjoy Chinese food and enjoy your life in China! :D
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